Earning money with our Standard SMS is very easy. All you need to do is send a test message to any of our international test message and you will be able to see immediately whether or not it was successful. When you have a test showing ‘paid’ please contact our account managers and they will help you get set up and running.

Setting up your account and allocating you numbers will only take moments and you will be ready to start sending SMS in no time at all.

All SMS revenues are paid out monthly. We currently do not offer daily or weekly payments. Payment terms can vary per termination, please contact our Account Managers for more detailed information.

We can transfer money to any bank account in the world, or should you prefer to your local Western Union. Payments will usually only take a few days to hit your account.

Once your account has been setup you will be given login details to our client area where you will be able to see your traffic stats in real time.